What is Fourier Series? and what makes it so remarkable?
Regarding the research of d’Alembert and Euler could one not add that if they knew this expansion, they made but a very imperfect use of it. They were both persuaded that an arbitrary and discontinuous function could never be resolved in series of this kind, and it does not even seem that anyone had developed a constant in cosines of multiple arcs, that first problem which I had to solve in the theory of heat. -—J. Fourier
2006 words
10 minutes

Binomial Option Pricing
A short introduction from a computer science perspective of Binomial model simulates asset price movements using a tree structure and recursively calculates option prices from expiration to the present.
1647 words
8 minutes

Intern Hunting
Embarked on a daring hunting internship, embracing challenges, and seizing every opportunity nature offered.
1706 words
9 minutes

Harmonizing Emotions
Exploring the Profound Connection Between Music and Human Emotions.
598 words
3 minutes

Setting up my Mac
Empowering my Mac for greatness. Can I have the go-ahead? Appreciate it!
777 words
4 minutes