Health score
To avoid to be liquidated, keep greater than 1.0 .
Generally is denoted as
Evaluate risk-adjusted collateral
Here assume a user deposit a single asset and leverage its position.
Let denote the balance of collateral and denote the self-collateralized balance of collateral. Let denote the collateral factor of a asset, denote its borrow factor and denote the collateral factor of a self-collateralized asset (called self-collateralized factor).
Risk-adjusted collateral is calculated as
where .
Evaluate risk-adjusted liability
Risk-adjusted liability is calculated as
where self-collateralized part of any asset have always 1.0 borrow factor. is always equal to ??
In Euler self-collateralized part of any asset has always 0.95 collateral factor and 1.0 borrow factor.
for example,
deposits 1000 USDC and mints 9000 USDC. normal CF of USDC is 0.9
now collateral 10000 USDC and liability 9000 USDC.
so, risk adjusted collateral = (10000 - 9000/0.95) * 0.9 + 9000 * 0.95 = 9023
risk adjusted liability = 9000*1
function getCurrentHealthScore() public view returns (uint256) {
IMarkets.AssetConfig memory config = EULER_MARKETS.underlyingToAssetConfig(token);
uint256 cf = config.collateralFactor;
uint256 balanceInUnderlying = IEToken(config.eTokenAddress).balanceOfUnderlying(address(this));
uint256 selfAmount = dToken.balanceOf(address(this));
require(selfAmount != 0, "strat/no-borrow");
// selfAmountAdjusted = selfAmount * CONFIG_FACTOR_SCALE) / SELF_COLLATERAL_FACTOR;
uint256 riskAdjustedCollateral = (cf *
(balanceInUnderlying - (selfAmount * CONFIG_FACTOR_SCALE) / SELF_COLLATERAL_FACTOR)) /
uint256 riskAdjustedLilability = selfAmount;
return (riskAdjustedCollateral * EXP_SCALE) / riskAdjustedLilability;
Calculate the amount to mint
or burn
to maintain a target health score.
Let denote the target health score we want to maintain.
Let denote its newly added collateral and denote its newly added collateral with recursive borrowing (eToken.mint()
The strategy deposits its underlyings with and .
Resolve the equation for .
The strategy withdraws its underlyings with and .